Friday, 20 February 2009

Robert Fripp String Quintet - The Bridge Between (1993)

01.Kan-Non Power (4:02)
02.Yamanashi Blues (2:41)
03.Hope (5:32)
04.Chromatic Fantasy (1:37)
05.Contrapunctus (2:18)
06.Bicycling to Afghanistan (3:22)
07.Blue (5:35)
08.Blockhead (3:19)
09.Passacaglia (7:09)
10.Threnody for Souls in Torment.

Robert Fripp (guitar, frippertronics)
Trey Gunn (grand stick)
Bert Lams (acoustic guitar)
Hideyo Moriya (acoustic guitar)
Paul Richards (acoustic guitar, fuzz e-bow guitar)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, but there is no link for downloading ?!?
