Saturday, 21 March 2009

Egberto Gismonti and Nana Vasconcelos - Duas Vozes (1985)

1.Aquarela Do Brasil
2.Rio de Janeiro
7.Don Quixote
8.O Dia, A Noite.

Guitar -
Flute - Piano - Egberto Gismonti
Percussion -
Berimbau - Naná Vasconcelos
Vocals - Egberto Gismonti , Naná Vasconcelos.

A beautiful pairing of these two Brazilian instrumentalists captured with near-perfect ECM sound, in a space that offers up the full complexities of their music! Egberto Gismonti plays acoustic guitar, as well as piano and flute and even sings a bit, just slightly and Nana Vasconcelos plays his familiar beribmau, and additional percussion often with that airy, ethereal style that leant so much grace to other ECM recordings. This date's a lot earthier than most of the rest on the label, though and marks the great European extrapolation of styles that occurred with both players heard here in a space that's arguably freer and more expressive than they might have found back in Brazil at the time. Titles include "Bianca", "Don Quixote", "Aquarela Do Brasil", "Rio De Janeiro", "Tomarapeba", and "Fogueira".


  1. Duas Vozes

    *This album is part of the ECM TOUCHSTONES series: Great music and full-dimensional sound at download price, in cardboard covers with original artwork* An original and profound album by two Brazilian masters, guitarist Egberto Gismonti and percussionist Nana Vasconcelos Duas Vozes evokes infinitely more sounds than just the "two voices" of its title - the partnership brought new colours to improvised music on ECM. "This album is genuinely a milestone in cross-cultural music in the way it fuses jazz piano or a dark rhythmic flamenco-cum-jazz guitar style with the vocal and arcane percussion methods of Brazilian music. A masterpiece...this album is an essential part of a comprehensive record collection." - The Wire.
